Saturday, May 14, 2011

The training is done...1 week to Lanzarote

card from friends ....Go for it

As weeks go this has been a joy. I am now in my last week before a full taper for Ironman Lanzarote.despite the cold that I had last week and missing my Saturday ride, I am feeling good again. I had a short run on Monday of 30 minutes and my swim in the evening. It was an easy session and did approximately 2.3 km. There were a few souls down at the pool after Busso but most were having a deserving break.

Tuesday morning was even quieter.I got to Nedlands early and did a ride round half the course before meeting up with Rob P and Michelle showed up tin the hope someone may show up to ride round the river. It was just Rob and me doing laps and Rod showed up later.I forgot my programme had me doing a half hour at pace but i did a full hour. The nose was feeling better but I had a few coughing fits in the cold morning air. We did quite well and managed a solid session . I had about 53km on the clock for the session and the ride out to Nedlands.

On Wednesday I swam in the morning and ran in the evening.I did a solid session in the pool .It was cold but nice in the water.Felt ready much better in the pool. Did some drills with the fins and a warm up session with  a main set of 16 x 100s .All in about 2.5km .The run was a mix of easy with 2 x 10 minute at threshold. I did about 13 km in 1.15.

On Thursday I rode by myself round the river and it was an easy slow ride. Friday was another good session in the pool .I swam 2.7km with a main set made up of a build of 50m to 75m up to 250m for a total of 1300m .  I ran in the evening around Kings Park again nice an easy ..Winters here with the footpaths becoming really hard to see by 6pm .

Saturday morning I did an easy 78km ride up the coast with a stop over at McDonalds to pick up my cycle jersey and chat to everyone.

Got everything packed . Just worried about the weight . But all the hard work is done. I had lunch on Friday with Gaye Mckean who is also racing Lanzarote and so there will be  a few familiar faces at  Lanzarote.



  1. All the best John, you have trained well and now time to reward yourself with the race! Enjoy it! Have a good trip!

  2. Thanks Kevin looking forward to the race finally.
    I know 2 triathletes from perth who are doing Korea because china is cancelled
