Saturday, June 30, 2012


In the past month , I have done very little physically. I have enjoyed the relaxing easy days of non activity. I have gained weight . I have become lazy.

I have not been motivated to get back into training. It doesn't happen only to me. Macca wrote in the Triathlete magazine (June Issue) it happens even to the Pros. Having said that , the countering point in tipping the balance , is that , it is a job and they get back on the Horse fairly quickly.It ain't easy for anyone. I have found it tough as I gear myself for the start of my return to training and a much more time managed daily routine.

Like an Ironman , It starts with the first step. I have learnt by past errors, Motivation will wax and wane but developing habits is the key. It is a slow process and one where life's pressure s will interrupt with many unforeseen daily interruptions. Managing and not fretting too much are key to a balance , successful result.

It was never meant to be easy. For me its like losing weight it is slow and very hard. It does come from sheer repetition and developing good habits. As I start this journey , it does not mean lounging around and having a period of no activity was bad.I think it was necessary to maintain balance and longevity in this sport .It was essential for the body to heal as well.It has meant nearly four months of very little swimming and it shows in my fitness in the pool .

I have recently read a useful article on habits :

Changing Habits beats reliance on Willpower

How companies learn your secrets

Finally Macca in his recent article on Motivation in triathlete magazine confirmed everyone even the pros have their bad days.
There is no secret to recovering , just tips:

Here are his tips:
1) Accept that a lack of motivation is normal, but don’t let it derail you from the ultimate goal.

2) Keep it simple. By that he meant do not over-complicate the training and make the program or routine too important. Training in social environment makes it a bit easier.

3) Time management: Realistic training time frames, don’t try to cram too much into too little time.

4) Rest: Don’t underestimate the power of rest, physically and mentally.

5) “Be process-driven, not always goal-driven. Goals, when set, can be lofty and at times far away.” For this reason it’s important to identify what the goal is – but even more important to know the process you have to put in place to reach that goal. The process is the most important, and understanding how it relates to the bigger picture helps you remain in control of the journey.”
(Taken from a short  article on the BADDOG Multisport coaching webpage even though I have read Maccas piece in triathlete June edition)

Hence as I start out on my program  , I told my coach , the reason I do have a coach is mainly because I can be my worse enemy , I load too much into the program and in the end it is designed to fail. I will do what I can within the time I have.

If there is a secret , I think for me it is to enjoy it for what it is , a lifestyle not a race.

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